Sarah Walsh

Sarah Walsh

2022-23 Impact Report

2022-23 Impact Report

Learn how giving through the Comox Valley Community Foundation is advancing essential projects, programs, and services that may otherwise have been unsupported — making a difference today and for the long term.2022/23 was another year of immense impact at the Comox...

$1 Million Legacy Gift Establishes the Rick Jackson Scholarships

$1 Million Legacy Gift Establishes the Rick Jackson Scholarships

The Comox Valley Community Foundation is honoured to announce receipt of a bequest from the family of Richard Jackson in the amount of $1 million to establish a scholarship fund benefiting graduating secondary school students in the Comox Valley. Rick Jackson was a...

Apply Now to Join our Board of Directors!

Apply Now to Join our Board of Directors!

Comox Valley Community Foundation is seeking new members to join our Board of Directors. If you offer diverse perspectives and life experiences, together with a passion for making our community a place where everyone can thrive, we would love to hear from you. The...

CVCF Announces 2023/24 Community Enrichment Grants

CVCF Announces 2023/24 Community Enrichment Grants

The CVCF is pleased to announce that over $441,360 will be available in the form of grants supporting the not-for-profit sector.The CVCF invites all eligible organizations to apply online now until September 21 to propose funding needs for programs, services,...

CVCF Funds Aging and Dementia Research

CVCF Funds Aging and Dementia Research

The Comox Valley Community Foundation (CVCF) is proud to be funding important health research in the Comox Valley. The Comox Valley Community Foundation is granting $130,000 to the Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation and Island Health for research focused on “Engaging...

CVCF Announces 2023 Neighbourhood Small Grants

CVCF Announces 2023 Neighbourhood Small Grants

The Comox Valley Community Foundation (CVCF) is pleased to announce that 24 projects were funded through the 2023 Neighborhood Small Grants (NSG) program.The 24 NSG projects will share a total of $6,926, with grants ranging from $100 to $500 per project. Projects will...

CVCF Appoints New Executive Director

CVCF Appoints New Executive Director

The Comox Valley Community Foundation is excited to announce the appointment of Jolean Finnerty as its new Executive Director, effective July 1, 2023.  “We couldn’t be more pleased with this appointment,” said Christine Helpard, President of the Comox Valley Community...

New Vital Signs® Data Hub Reveals Latest Regional Data

New Vital Signs® Data Hub Reveals Latest Regional Data

CVCF is proud to announce the launch of the new Vital Signs® Data Hub revealing the latest regional data for the Comox Valley.On May 15, 2023, Comox Valley Community Foundation (CVCF), together with community partners and sponsors, will launch Comox Valley’s Vital...

CVCF Announces 2023 Community Enrichment Grant Recipients

CVCF Announces 2023 Community Enrichment Grant Recipients

Community is not one thing, community is everything. CVCF is proud to announce this year's Community Enrichment Grant recipients and the impactful work this granting program supports.As part of our 2022-2023 granting program, the Comox Valley Community Foundation...

Sarah Walsh


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