Comox Valley Community Foundation Grant Applications Total Close to $1 Million
The Comox Valley Community Foundation received 84 applications for Community Enrichment and Professional Development grants, from 71 distinct local charities and non-profit organizations, with requests totaling close to $1 million. The needs of the organizations are diverse, ranging from new programming initiatives, facility and furniture upgrades to transportation requirements, all with a focus on better serving clients and the community.
“The response to our call for applications was tremendous, but the need is much greater than what we currently have available,” said Matt Beckett, President of the Comox Valley Community Foundation. “Even though the amount of funding available for 2020 is significantly higher than in previous years, due to the additional $140,000 made available through Vancouver Foundation’s The Robert & Florence Filberg Fund, we will not be able to fund all requests.”
“The time spent putting together the applications is appreciated and provides us with an inventory of local priorities as we work with our donors to target areas of greatest need in our community,” added Susan Auchterlonie, Executive Director. “We invite interested individuals to contact us to discuss how your gift may address some of these immediate needs.”
A committee, comprised of CVCF Board members and community members, has started its review of the applications and will be meeting in November to complete the evaluation process and recommend applications for funding. Organizations will be informed of the status of their application in December, with a formal announcement of grant recipients at the Community Enrichment Celebration, scheduled for January 21, 2020 at the Comox Recreation Centre.