The mission of the Foundation is to provide an on-going source of funding for existing and ever changing needs of the community’s many charitable and not-for-profit organizations.
Donations come in many forms and are always added to the larger pool of capital so that the Foundation’s assets earn more income thus allowing it to accomplish more good works in the community.
While donations of cash are always appreciated and receive a receipt for taxation purposes, the following highlights just some of the other ways you can help support the Foundation’s goals.
Outright Gift. You can make a gift of cash, stocks, bonds, real estate or other assets to the Comox Valley Community Foundation. Your gift qualifies maximum charitable benefit under federal law.
Appreciated Securities. You can give appreciated securities to the Comox Valley Community Foundation to eliminate capital gains tax and receive an immediate tax receipt for the market value of those securities.
Bequests. You can designate a gift or portion of your estate to the Comox Valley Community Foundation and in some cases receive a substantial reduction in federal gift and estate taxes.
Life Insurance. You can designate the Foundation to receive a portion or all of the proceeds from your life insurance, reducing your estate taxes, or you can transfer the policy to the Foundation and receive an immediate tax receipt for the cash surrender value.
Charitable Remainder Trust. You can place cash or property in a trust that pays annual income to you or another named beneficiary for life. After your death, the remainder of the trust transfers to the Foundation and is placed in a charitable fund you’ve selected. You receive income tax benefits in the year you establish your trust.
Since 1998 the Foundation has disbursed over $1 million in grants. To find out more and how you too can help build a better community, visit the Foundation’s website at